Exercise Tips to combat Type 2 diabetes.

A woman with her daughter walking near Bukomolo Clinic. Mr.Sebbo says he walks three times a day at home or about 2.5- 3.5 miles to burn calories.

How Mr.Sebbo manages his diabetic life using exercise.

I walk three times a day at home or about 2.5- 3.5 miles. I also swim twice a week for 40 minutes at a time and lift light to medium weights (about 10-12 reps. max.). My walks are directly after my meals. There are some studies that show a 15 minute walk right after a meal is more effective than a 45 minute walk an hour later. This will knock down some of the sugar in your body.  Even 10 minutes is fine.

I do some form of exercise every day. Burning calories is key to keeping blood sugar under control. Weight training or even isometrics can really help manage sugar spikes prone during the day.

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